MHG Hotels acquires Courtyard West Palm Beach Airport in Florida
MHG HOTELS LLC recently acquired Courtyard West Palm Beach Airport in West Palm Beach, Florida. MHG Hotels is led by Sanjay Patel as president...
STR and TE upgrade U.S. ADR, RevPAR forecast for 2023
STR AND TOURISM ECONOMICS have increased year-over-year growth projections for ADR and RevPAR in the final revision of the U.S. hotel forecast for 2023....
Survey: Outlook for remainder of 2023 strong due to surging business travel
THE OUTLOOK FOR the remainder of 2023 appears positive, driven by increased business travel and a strong preference among business and leisure travelers for...
PwC: Economy, politics to influence U.S. hotel performance in 2024
ECONOMIC HEADWINDS AND geopolitical concerns are expected to affect U.S. hotel performance in 2024, according to PwC. The issues include continuing high interest rates...
IDeaS makes hotel technology predictions for 2024
THE U.S. HOSPITALITY industry is set to harness AI to reshape the "typical" guest experience, according to hotel revenue management software and services provider...
HotStats: Competitive benchmarking enhances performance in uncertain times
BENCHMARKING AGAINST COMPETITORS is the first step for hotels to grasp the competitive landscape during budget planning, according to a blog from HotStats. The...
CBRE: RevPAR rebound expected in 2024 after summer deceleration
U.S. HOTELS REVPAR growth is likely to recover in 2024, as inbound international travel further improves and sector-specific headwinds moderate, according to CBRE. CBRE’s...
AHLA Foundation renews apprenticeship agreement with Labor Department
AHLA FOUNDATION IS offering hospitality apprenticeships with a $505,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration Office of Apprenticeship. The...
AHLA અને અન્યોએ NLRB સંયુક્ત-એમ્પ્લોયરની વ્યાખ્યા પર બિડેન વહીવટીતંત્રને પડકાર્યુ
સંયુક્ત-એમ્પ્લોયરના દરજ્જાની વ્યાખ્યા અંગે તાજેતરમાં જારી કરાયેલા નેશનલ લેબર રિલેશન્સ બોર્ડના અંતિમ ચુકાદાની વિરુદ્ધ વિવિધ પરિબળો એકત્રિત થઈ રહ્યા છે.. અમેરિકન હોટેલ એન્ડ લોજિંગ...
L.A. કાઉન્સિલ હોમલેસ વાઉચરના પગલાંના બદલે વટહુકમને ધ્યાનમાં લે છે
લોસ એન્જલસમાં એક વિવાદાસ્પદ બેલટ મેઝર જેમાં હોટલોને પેઇંગ ગેસ્ટ્સની સાથે બેઘર લોકોને રૂમ આપવા જરૂરી હશે તેને નવા વટહુકમ સાથે બદલવામાં આવી શકે...