Role of Video Games in Improving Health-Related Outcomes


Video games are a cornerstone of modern society. Through them, you can solve challenging puzzles, face others in battle, and go on daring adventures. However, they also play a part in physical and mental healthcare as well. While there are many documented studies, here are some of the ways they can improve your health.

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Relaxation and Meditation

Repetitive games where you don’t have to make a decision or solve puzzles repeatedly provides a sense of relaxation. However, some games are designed as an emotional outlet or story, causing a cathartic experience.

Relaxation is one of the benefits of gaming at an online gambling service such as the Bwin casino, available in Hungary. You can find similar websites reviewed by Péter Deli; you can find his profile here, that’ll take your mind off life and possibly win a bit as well.

A game such as Animal Crossing provides an attractive and safe environment. The tasks aren’t demanding, and if you fail, there’s no negative effect. Playing titles such as this allows you to slow your thoughts or relax without worrying about losing anything.

The use of these video games in the medical field allows patients who have experienced a traumatic event to process the information silently. These games also provide a safe space for anyone suffering PTSD.

Easing Flashbacks

Involuntary and unwanted flashbacks are a significant part of suffering PTSD. The video game Tetris has proven effects that minimise the frequency of these. This process was tested among 20 subjects suffering PTSD. During this test, they saw a significant decrease in the occurrences of flashbacks after playing the title.

The study conducted shows the impact of video games in healthcare for anyone suffering from trauma. Additionally, this principle is usable in your daily life. You can test this yourself if you’re suffering from flashbacks to a scary movie you watched that’s still playing on your fears.

As there are often more patients than facilities and doctors ready to help, this discovery makes self-help a tiny bit more accessible. Sadly, it isn’t the only treatment you need, and if you’ve been through a traumatic event, you still need to see a professional.


With the improvement of technology, gaming devices have led to virtual reality and movement-based controls. These advancements provide a suitable and engaging method of rehabilitation for victims of strokes and brain injuries.

The most common effects of both a stroke and brain injury are the loss of movement, concentration, communication, and awareness. Virtual reality games such as Beat Saber and titles available on the Wii console provide a fun way to practice moving again.

Due to the fun and enjoyment from playing these titles, patients are more likely to maintain their rehabilitation schedule. This demonstrates the effectiveness of video games used for medical purposes as the patients are less likely to give up.

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Autism and Social Anxiety

As video games provide social interaction without being near to someone, they can help re-introduce people to others. For anyone suffering from social anxiety, playing online with friends and strangers is a great start.

The computer game Minecraft is often used as a medium that benefits children and young adults who have autism. The game provides information in a simplistic visual structure that’s easy to understand, and joining the online servers is a silent way to begin interacting with others.

Overall, gaming is an easy way to introduce creativity and goals to anyone suffering autism and provide a safe environment to get over the fear or challenge of speaking to other people.


There are many medical uses for games of every type. As such, it’s easy to find your favorite game and improve social interaction or start regaining a lost ability.